He sets up a complicated system in his bedroom that consists of a stereo system, a trophy and a mannequin just in case anyone should decide to come to the house and check on him.
Ferris persuades his girlfriend Sloane (Mia Sara) and his gloomy, pessimistic best friend Cameron (Alan Ruck) to spend the day in Chicago as a 'final fling' before they graduate high school and head of for different colleges. His parents believe him when he says he is sick but his sister Jeanie smells a rat because Ferris has pulled this routine so many times before. Ferris is a senior in a high school in suburban Chicago, Illinois, and towards the end of the school year he decides to fake sickness so that he can stay home from school. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own.įerris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) is a suave, put-together kid who constantly falls on his feet.
These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community.